Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Imagine delivering your victim impact statement to confessed murderer Colonel Russell Williams and challenging him to lift his bowed head and look at you while you speak…and have him comply.

And as you deliver your statement directly to him, what would you feel?:



Hate…knowing no punishment could make your shattered life better?



Perhaps relief…at finally being able to express your thoughts and with the knowledge that more crimes have been stopped?

Or disappointment, because of Williams’ blasé attitude to the crimes he’s committed?

(From what I’ve heard but not seen, he cried and apologized this morning—If you saw that footage tell me what your thoughts are…what your reaction was.)

I just don’t know where to start with this story—breaking and entering, sexual assault, forcible confinement, and first-degree murder charges…all against the former CFB Trenton commander.

This story is so incredibly horrific that I’ve been rendered speechless for days while I’ve watched some of it unfold in the media!

Having been raised in a military family, with my father achieving the rank of lieutenant colonel with him also having been a base commander, I am stunned to realize someone with such high authority as Williams was able to do what he did.

And to know Williams was posted to multiple locations during his career…I shudder to think of the possibility there may be other occurrences of similarly heinous crimes.

I am thankful, for sake of the families and friends of the victims, that this ordeal is finally ‘over’ and that Williams is on his way to federal penitentiary for life.

As Kathleen MacVicar’s mother, Colleen, recently said, “It’s important to put a name and a face to what created such a horror in this family. (Kathleen’s sexually assaulted and stabbed body was found at the military base in 2001. –nine years ago!!)

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My Friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

October 21st, 2010 at 9:09 am
One Response to “Colonel Russell Williams—Convicted Murderer”
  1. 1
    General W.J. Natynczyk, CDS Says:

    1. On 21 Oct 10, Mr. Russell Williams, former Commander of 8 Wing, was sentenced to two concurrent terms of life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years for the first-degree murders of Cpl Marie France Comeau and Mrs. Jessica Lloyd.

    2. The crimes committed by Mr. Williams are deeply upsetting to us all. Over the last few months, I have spoken with many of you in town halls across the country and on missions overseas. Like all Canadians, you and I have been shocked and repulsed by the crimes he committed.

    3. During these conversations, you expressed your sympathy and compassion for the victims and the families affected by this terrible tragedy. I also listened to Canadian Forces personnel of all ranks as they expressed their bewilderment and anger at the betrayal of our institutional ethos of truth, duty, and valour. Because of his heinous crimes and his subsequent criminal conviction, Mr. Williams has lost the privilege of calling himself a member of the CF community.

    4. With the conviction and sentencing completed, and following my recommendation, the Governor General has revoked his commission, an extraordinary and severe decision that may constitute a first of its kind in Canadian history.

    5. Further, the following actions will now be taken:

    A. Stripping Mr. Williams of his medals

    B. Termination and recovery of his pay from the date of arrest

    C. Denial of severance pay; and

    D. His prompt release from the CF under “service misconduct” – which is the most serious release item possible.

    6. As a consequence of his release from the CF for quote service misconduct unquote and of the revocation of his commission, Mr. Williams no longer possesses a rank as a member of the CF.

    7. I wish to point out that under the CF superannuation act, there are no grounds to revoke his pension and a court martial would not have any impact on these accrued benefits.

    8. Some have questioned why Mr. Williams has not also been charged under the military justice system. I believe we need to understand why this is so. This is because there is no jurisdiction under the code of service discipline to try persons charged with murder where those murders took place in Canada. Mr. Williams was therefore tried and convicted of all of these 88 charges under the Criminal Code of Canada by a civilian court. Additionally there will be no further court martial on these matters because the National Defence Act specifically prevents an individual from being tried by court martial where the offence or any other substantially similar offence arising out of the same underlying facts have been previously dealt with by a civilian court. This basic principle sometimes known as “double jeopardy” is fundamental within our civilian and military justice system. With his current convictions and sentence to life imprisonment justice has already been served.

    9. Now more than ever, this is a time for us to come together and heal as a community. We are doing everything we can to assist those in need of counselling or other support. I urge anyone who is feeling upset or concerned to seek assistance and to talk about it. While doing so, we will not forget Cpl Marie France Comeau, Mrs. Jessica Lloyd, and the many other victims and their families who will remain in our thoughts and prayers forever.

    10. It is time to move forward, be strong and proud because the actions of Mr. Williams are not reflective of the values of the men and women who serve in the CF, whose integrity and self sacrifice come through loud and clear in words and deeds each day. Whether helping Canadians at home, abroad, or providing the hope of a better future to the people of Haiti, Africa or Afghanistan, I have seen our ethos of truth, duty, and valour at work and making a difference in the world. You have reason to hold your head high. Be strong and proud! I am proud to be your Chief of the Defence Staff.
    ~General W.J. Natynczyk, CDS