Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

New Year’s Eve is a chance to review your year and see where you can make improvements in the quality of your life and in your relationships…on a daily basis. Here are some ideas:

Spend more time with family

Fit in fitness (find a sport or activity you like)

Enjoy life more

Get out of debt

Help others

Learn something new

Get organized

Think of what you would have in your ideal life and where you’d like to be in two, five, or even ten years, and see if your goals bring you closer to that picture. If so, they’re good goals to stick with. If you can keep in your mind the image of where you would ultimately like your goals to take you, it’s easier to stick with them.

Think about what you would like to add to your life…not what you want to take away. (You may subconsciously feel more deprived if you think of taking something away rather than adding something good.)

Hmmmm…what’s my New Year’s resolution? –Oh, I know…

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My Friend
Read an excerpt now
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December 31st, 2010 at 6:49 pm