Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

In my last Blog post I shared the touching story of Nick Charles, the former CNN sports anchor, who is dying of cancer and consciously leaving an oral legacy for his family.

He’s talked with counselors and hospice workers about his final week. It will go something like this: He’ll lose his appetite first. After three days, he’ll be unable to swallow and feel like he’s drowning. His liver will stop functioning and other organs will follow. The cancer will take over completely.

He’ll be given morphine to ease the pain. As a Christian, he struggled with that concept. He wanted to make sure he wasn’t committing suicide.

“We’re not pulling the plug on you early,” he was told. “We’re just keeping you comfortable until the end.”

My father died last June and I was with him in his final days as his body shut down.

So, speaking from someone who has witnessed the approach of death, to Nick I say, “May you find comfort in your final moments.”

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My Friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

April 15th, 2011 at 7:38 am