Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

What kind of seeds are you planting in the garden of your body, your mind and your spirit?

Are you planting seeds of well being…of loving abundance, gratitude, harmony, prosperity, health and peace…that you want to nourish and grow?

Or are you planting dis-ease using negative thoughts, doubt, fear and self-criticism? …Those are like weeds, having the power to grow prolifically and take over and strangle the blooms you’d prefer to grow in the garden of your mind and your life.

Take time to actively create your life by weeding out what you don’t want. If you want a different harvest, plant different seeds. By responding differently to old situations you will see fresh, positive results.

Give yourself TLC…and patience.

You have the power to choose what you want!
Positive thoughts = seeds
Negative thoughts = weeds

What are your goals and dreams for a joyous future? Make a list.

What do you want to see manifest in your life? Let your imagination soar. Dream big!

What needs have to be met so you can be happy?

Place your problems and your old thoughts and patterns of action (that keep you stuck), into your compost.

Plant your seeds deep within your heart so they can grow with zest and vibrancy and allow you to live in a more joyful way.

Take time to let all the frantic activity and despair drop away…breathe deeply.

Love yourself. Nourish yourself. Allow yourself to be loved and nourished.

Be mindful. Keep a journal, and at the end of the day sit quietly and review your thoughts. If you notice a pattern of thinking from which “weeds” will grow or are currently growing, simply visualize yourself plucking the thought-weed from your mind and immediately plant a thought-seed that supports the idea of wholeness. Follow it with an affirmation such as: “Divine Mind knows how to grow a beautiful life by means of me and I am grateful it is so.”

And by the way, who are the treasured blooms in your life?

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My Friend
Read an excerpt now
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April 28th, 2011 at 7:10 am