Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

There are factual errors in the recreation of some scenes in the video clips made about Cindy’s case—in the police report relating to the January 1984 attack when Cindy was stabbed in the hand, the security services provider said he checked her to see if she was alive (but he didn’t notice the ligature around her neck). So why does the Unsolved Mysteries segment show him looking at Cindy’s neck? And why doesn’t it show the fact (according to the police report) that he pulled a can of dog-repellant spray can (mace) out of his pocket when he tells police he found it on Cindy’s back porch (there was no fingerprints found on it) and says, “I guess she tried to use it.”

And the reporter is incorrect when he says there was no sighting of a suspect and no independent corroboration (he makes it sound like nobody ever saw or heard anything).

—What about the brown hair stuck to some blood on Cindy’s right palm that the police seized after the October 15, 1988 attack (and never analyzed)?
—What about the calls that the detective and the security services provider intercepted at Cindy’s home?
—What about the time Agnes said she was with Cindy when the lines were cut.
—How about the friends who were visiting Cindy and heard someone banging the side of the house (Marlene and I were also present on one occasion as was our oldest brother who also saw the shadow of someone by Cindy’s garage in the backyard.)

And just so you know, Cindy did not say to the police that she was out walking her dog late at night at the time of the house fire—it was an officer who speculated that.

And the drug facts were incorrect (we don’t know how much time Cindy would have had to tie herself up while under the influence of all those drugs) although the reporter did use the word “if” (which equals speculation in my books).

(By the way, crystaldawn you were correct—the photo is of one of my brothers.)

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

April 13th, 2008 at 6:46 am