Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Set aside ten minutes today for this important topic.

Sit quietly in a quiet place.

For the first five minutes, think about what death is, from your own perspective.

Try to go past any platitudes or teachings about death that were given you by someone else.

Consider your own fears, and be as honest as you can about them.

You may think about your own death, or the death of another, past or future.

If it helps, use this formula for acknowledgment:

I wonder if death might be like … (say what you think) …, and I feel afraid that … (name your fear).”

Think of as many beliefs as you can, but don’t dwell on this part of the exercise for more than five minutes.

For the last five minutes, acknowledge what you DO NOT KNOW.

Remember, trust is the key to healing.

Try to find the clear truth in the following statement, repeated slowly and silently for the remaining time:

I do not understand life, or my experiences in it, but I can learn to trust again. Life is Love’s process, and I am willing to trust it now.

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
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April 24th, 2008 at 5:39 am
One Response to “What is Death to You?”
  1. 1
    Adam Says:

    Hi, Melanie:

    This is great advice. Many people do not like to discuss or even think about the fact that they will no longer be on this Earth one day, but I feel it is both sensible (as far as a will goes, etc.) and emotionally healthy to give this topic some occasional thought.

    Take Care,