Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

To assist in the healing process, listen to your inner self to hear what you need. You could:

-With today’s technology you can create a website in honor of the person who is absent

-Buy yourself a special gift

-Join a support group

-Find someone to talk to about your feelings

-Plant a tree in honor of the person

-Pamper yourself

-Pray or meditate and ask God or a higher power to help you through

-Spend the day with family (or friends) (“What can I help you with?”)

-Some people view “an anniversary day” as a day just like any other day in order to get through it

-Do volunteer work or donate money or clothes…

-Write a letter to your loved one

-Write a special poem and dedicate it to the memory of your beloved

-Light a candle

-Pull out old videotape or photos of your loved one

-Make a photo collage

-Visit a nursing home and spend time with a mom who has no children nearby

-Allow yourself to feel the love and joy of your children

-Remember the happy times you spent with your loved one (funny stories, touching memories)

-Spend some time alone in quiet meditation

-Do something your loved one would have enjoyed

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My Friend
Read an excerpt now
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September 29th, 2012 at 7:30 am