Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

There remain many deathbed encounters that defy easy answers.

Linda Jacobs’s experience is typical. Her father was terminally ill at a Manchester hospital, but as the family gathered around his bedside for what they believed was his last night, he became increasingly alert.

“’He kept saying, ‘Move out of that smoke’,” says Linda. “He then began smiling and laughing as though he was meeting with people we could not see.

“He then turned and looked at my mother and said, ‘Your Mum is here! What on earth is she doing here?’”

But the figure wasn’t really there, for one very good reason. She had died earlier in the week, but the family had decided to keep the news secret for fear of causing further upset.

Moments later, Linda’s father also passed away…with a smile on his face.

The story of Kate Batchelor, a sheep farmer in the Western Isles of Scotland, is equally puzzling. Her brother died in hospital, and a friend was dispatched to tell her the news.

When they reached the farmhouse, Kate greeted them, saying, “I know why you’ve come. I heard him calling me. He was saying, ‘Kate, Kate’ as he passed over.”

She even knew the exact time her brother had died.

One lady said that all of the clocks in her house stopped working at the time of her husband’s death. They started again a week later.

And there are cases where people have witnessed the precise moment of an individual’s death, and have seen mysterious shapes emerge from the body, or circle nearby. I’ll share those stories in another Blog…

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
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July 23rd, 2008 at 6:47 am