Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Not so long ago I inherited some things from my parents. Tucked away in what was obviously a special box my mother kept, I found several untitled poems in my now deceased sister’s, Cindy James, handwriting (there is no reference to the author of the poems—had Cindy created them?) Here is one of the poems:

It is sad to walk the road alone
Instead of side by side
But to all there comes a moment
When the ways of life divide.
You gave me years of happiness
Then came sorrow and tears
But you left me beautiful memories
I will treasure throughout the years.

I dedicate the above poem to Kobe…thanks for being a great friend!

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

August 25th, 2008 at 7:07 am
One Response to “Is This Cindy’s Poetry?”
  1. 1
    Anonymous Says:

    poetry has the power to affect our emotions by using words alone, i really love poetry.