Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

When you are experiencing the pain of grief, it’s common to feel tightness in your chest and palpitations.

Even breathing can be a problem—it’s as if you struggle to breath in life when death feels so close!

Yes, physical symptoms are normal but it doesn’t hurt to put your mind at ease and stay on top of any potential problems. So it’s always a good idea to get a check-up—especially if you are feeling physical symptoms!

And remember to breathe…and breathe deeply. Even if you are unable to do anything physical for stress release, you can still breathe deeply!

Nurture yourself as you consciously take in the breath of life. You will be improving your health by improving your blood.

Do not give up!

Every day in grief will have its own shade of sorrow and pain:
One day you might feel a lot of anger and have an intense need to let it out physically in a safe way. Another time you might need to wrap yourself in a nap or play in a bubble bath or express yourself through art or writing.

The important thing is to stay in touch with your changing needs and nurture yourself with love and patience.

Just living with grief can be overwhelming. We really need to be good to ourselves.

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
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September 28th, 2008 at 7:03 am