Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

flower and note on sidewalk

flower and note for Cindy James

A Facebook friend, Amy, recently touched my heart:

“Hey, Melanie. I was in the old neighborhood today paying tribute to the passing of my wonderful old friend (yup, one in the same from the story I told you about from when we were 13, unfortunately). Anyways, as I was memorializing him in all our old haunts, I decided to bring a flower from his building and lay it down with a note in tribute to Cindy as well, in roughly that same spot. It just seemed appropriate and I also took a photo/video of it, but I thought I should let you know. May both of their spirits be at peace.”

(If you follow the link in the above paragraph you’ll learn what Amy and her now deceased friend had done so many years ago in the neighborhood where Cindy’s body was found.)

I thought it was a great idea for Amy to memorialize her friend in all the places they used to visit/hang out/play, and to write a note and place a flower…and I was touched that she also thought of Cindy. And I wanted to share her great idea with you (in case you might be interested in doing the same thing for your deceased beloved)!

Those pictures you see in this Blog post are ones Amy generously sent. And for clarification she added:
“And the note, in case it isn’t clear enough to read said:
‘For Cindy J.
We cared.
And we believed you.’

Then I wrote our initials/dates we were there at the bottom and ‘may you rest in peace.’ I left in a gazebo kind of close to where the old house was and it seemed a nice place to lay the flower/note.”

flower in gazebo

And for Amy, her tribute was a stepping-stone on her healing journey:
“I think the day of remembering and leaving notes all over town in special places we went really helped with closure/letting go a bit. … It was all very impromptu, but it came straight from the heart. :-)”

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

October 16th, 2008 at 5:59 am