Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Patrick Mathieu

Patrick Mathieu (seen in the above photo) is a walking miracle.

He was born with a “bad” heart—it had, and still has, a hole! –A big hole!

When he was 18-years-old he was told, considering his defect, he MIGHT live to 30…if he was lucky! Guess what…he’s well into his 30’s…and living strong…with eyes wide open!

And he’s teaching others how to really live…how to make the most out of TODAY…how to live without regret and without fear!

He points out the fact that we all have an expiry date. And the sooner you embrace that realization, the more powerful your life will become.

His Blog is packed full of interesting posts like:

“Goodbyes” –think of someone dear to you and imagine this is your last time with them…he asks you questions to follow through on that train of thought;

“Well When You Put It That Way” –where he has you looking at your life as a series of months…

And he has videos.

He challenges you to “tip the balance to the positive side for a change” –I won’t tell you what that is…you can read about that in his post, “Be The Tipping Point.”

Patrick, you are an inspiration to us all!

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

October 21st, 2008 at 5:43 am