Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

To get to a different place in life, you have to take a different road.

And the road we choose to travel is different for all of us.

On our journey we each take differing amounts of time along the way for the things we need to do. (We all make different stops along the way…and sometimes we even retrace our steps.)

And each of us may live in different countries—some of us are just learning the language of grief through a recent loss, and others are veterans of death.

And although we all have different ends, I can say, “I believe you can make it through this” because I did—I was once a newbie in a different country struggling to learn the language of grief, and I survived (despite doubt crossing my mind several times)…and so can you!

No, you won’t forget.

And although you will continue to feel pain, it will be different. With time your pain will be more acceptable.

Yes, you’ll stumble around obstacles and fall in potholes or flounder in ditches…sometimes coming upon them without warning. But there’s no way around them…there’s no shortcuts…so allow yourself to go forward…you will get through this.

Just take it slow.

Be good to yourself.

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
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November 4th, 2008 at 7:07 am