Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

My daughter Tamiko had been busy in school, excited with Christmas coming.  All’s Tamiko could do is talk about Santa and what she would like to get everyone.

Today, Miko, my 7-year-old daughter brought home the gifts she bought at school…
Busy as usual during the 5 to 7 o’clock hours, we didn’t catch what she had done until a little later, but we could remember her laughter and telling us not to come into the living room because she was wrapping Christmas presents.

Later I went into the living room to see what she had put below the Christmas tree I saw presents to her Mommy and Daddy I smiled and started to walk away, I noticed another gift sitting on the entertainment center next to a picture.  I walked away with tears in my eyes and told my husband to come here and look at what she had done.

My daughter had given her Grandmother (Tutu) a Christmas present. 

The only thing is…her Grandmother passed away about 4 weeks ago.

~Carla Fodor

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

December 18th, 2008 at 7:26 am