Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Let me explain how grieving is like an initiation into insight—if you can become aware of what is happening, you can be awakened to a greater understanding of life (you can have an insight into the truth of life).

Yes, death is a stepping-stone in our journey of awareness—an opportunity for insight. We contemplate the memory of our beloved and what s/he meant in our life (what significance s/he was in the world) and that leads us to a questioning of our life’s purpose—to what our significance is. We ask ourselves, “Who am I?” And we reexamine our goals and our history. I certainly did that after Cindy’s death.

I looked at my past and reexamined my beliefs, my reactions, and my feelings…in order to learn something.

And I focused on changing those things in myself that I didn’t like.

And I came up with a belief, of what happened to Cindy, in order for me to carry on.

Then years later when I researched for my book, I became wracked with sorrow during the writing process as I reexamined it all in order to fit the new facts into my belief system.

But there was also a beautiful release as everything came together for me. —My senses were heightened…I saw through different eyes…I experienced the darkness of humanity but was awakened to the beauty around me. I had learned to really live and experience life fully. Food tasted different. I questioned everything. I found answers and fulfillment and a purpose for my life! I opened myself up to other people’s beliefs and views while I was searching. I looked at what my spiritual/religious beliefs were and where they came from, and I reflected on my beliefs about dying, death and what happens afterwards. I read inspirational writings, meditated, prayed, wrote letters to Cindy and “talked” to her. I forgave my mistakes and those of others. I accepted myself and learned to be accountable to me and not to someone else.

When I accepted that nothing could ever bring Cindy back, I looked at the future and found the greater meaning in her life and death.

Oh yes, it was hard, but I did it…one day at a time…one step at a time.

I learned so much…but that’s for another Blog post.

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

March 24th, 2009 at 7:54 am