Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Today I was watching the TV’s listings channel and looking for the news stations. Suddenly I heard the familiar pan-flute music of the Romanian artist Gheorghe Zamfir.

I was riveted.

It’s been forever since I’ve heard his precious melodies!

Years ago, as I had watched the guests filing out of the chapel and walking past the closed casket on their way out of my sister, Cindy’s, funeral, Zamfir music had been playing. And I had started to cry hard when I heard it.

Cindy had loved that music. So did I. (I still do.)

His music is soothing and gentle. It beautifully portrays the gentleness and love and caring Cindy personified. She and I used to sit in her living room and listen to her Zamfir tapes as we talked or had fun.

So to me Zamfir music will always be Cindy.

Today my scalp was tingling and pleasant shivers were crawling up my arms as I carefully listened to every note of the pan-flute. I didn’t cry this time because I was simply enjoying the memories of our good times together…That is until the music was cut off by a commercial and my reverie abruptly ended!

I think Cindy will be around this Christmas! I can feel her presence!

And you know what…a dear friend from the Yukon (that I haven’t spoken with forever) just called me! And she reminds me so much of Cindy.

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My Friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the death of Cindy James

December 14th, 2007 at 2:15 pm