Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts


My husband and I recently went on an amazing date/adventure to Kaslo, B.C. where we enjoyed a delicious lunch at the newly renovated hotel on Front Street, did a wonderful hike on the Kaslo River Trail, took in breathtaking views, did some window-shopping…just had a phenomenal time.

But it was on the way to Kaslo that we had a sad encounter: at the place where we briefly stopped for twenty dollars worth of gas, that morning a fawn (probably one born not that long ago…in late spring) had been killed (perhaps accidentally by a passing vehicle) and the mother was sitting next to her baby’s body.

Momma wouldn’t budge.

Nor would she look at anybody who dared venture for a closer look at the somber spectacle.

Her devotion was remarkable…and touching.

I don’t know what events unfolded for them after we left. But I felt very sad for the plight that statuesque mother was in. I’d heard of elephants mourning over the loss of a family member…but a deer?


Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James


June 28th, 2009 at 9:43 am