Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

“When I was five, my grandfather passed away.

“I called him Grandpa Bunny because of a cute little book my mother had given me. He knew he was going to die, so about a month before he had given the whole family presents.

“The day after his small funeral, I wanted to sleep in my mother’s bed. It was something I’d do every so often when I was feeling lonely or scared. Before we fell asleep, we both said a prayer for Grandpa Bunny.

“At dawn, I woke up and looked up. In my mother’s bedroom, windows lined the top of the wall in front of her bed. Out of the far left window, I saw a group of angels. I remember this very, very distinctly: First came two women angels, and in the middle was my grandfather, followed by another two women angels. The room became very bright with white light, and my chest filled with a feeling of complete and utter warmth. I can still remember this feeling to this day. I woke up my mother and told her that Grandpa Bunny had just come into the room with four other angels. My mother was trying to explain to me (being four years old) that Grandpa was dead, but I stuck to my story.

“I know that my Grandfather watches over me when I am in bad situations. Being a 16-year-old party girl now, I know he’s saved me from some pretty scary situations.”


Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
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May 14th, 2010 at 8:44 am