Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

For five minutes at the end of your day, sit quietly in a quiet place.

We all carry some unfinished grief with us, resulting from our incomplete re-connection to life.

When we trust our own innate ability to grieve, in our own way, we learn to trust life again, and reconnect with it.

Sometimes this takes time, as we discover how deep our feeling of disconnection seems to be, and how much we long to return to life.

Sometimes it takes repetition, as we uncover multiple ways we have disconnected from life.

Here is the thought that will carry us through the healing process we call grief tonight: “Love has not left me; I am surrounded by it now. Life has not left me; I am supported by it now.

For the remaining time, feel the grief you carry, and see if you can find that part of your grief that longs for the return to life in this moment.

Trust yourself to feel ‘just such as it is’.

And trust yourself to re-connect with life.

For the final minute, repeat slowly to yourself:

Love has not left me; I am surrounded by it now. Life has not left me; I am supported by it now.

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
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June 7th, 2010 at 8:37 am