Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Can we find meaning in what has happened to us? (As Victor Frankl, Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, suggests we can with his logotherapy—due to his and others’ suffering in WWII Nazi concentration camps, Victor came to the conclusion that even in the most absurd, painful and dehumanized situation, life has potential meaning and that therefore even suffering is meaningful.)

Can we find meaning—as gifts, lessons and opportunities—to find strength, confidence, wisdom and solace?

Or is that just something we need to believe in order to feel happy and not blame ourselves (or other people…or even life itself)—in order to feel safe moving forward in life so that we don’t think maybe it’s just us who is the unlucky one or think that life is just a game of chance?

But how do you find the meaning in the things that happen when life is so complex?

Let me be the devil’s advocate for a minute by saying, “Why ask why?” —Maybe you should just make the best of what you have!

Maybe it’s all about moving forward in life and learning not to be fearful—about feeling more alive…about realizing you have been given an opportunity to be awakened to life (if you choose to see it that way) and about having a new lease on life.

Perhaps it’s about finding what the meaning is for just you (a similar thing can happen to someone else and have a different meaning for that person).

So can you have any control over your life?

Maybe it’s about creating your life (and making you who you are) based on how you choose to see what’s happening in your life (your thought patterns guide you).

I’m going to suggest you break out of your negative thoughts and choose to react in a positive way.

And open up your heart.

Maybe bad things happen sometimes for no reason at all (at least for no reason we can find because we are ignorant of details) —Or because there are evil people in the world—Or simply because there are natural disasters.

And just because we can attach reasons doesn’t mean those are the real reasons.


You can’t go back and change time and undo something that has been done…but maybe you can create a future for yourself that is better than your past!

Why not try!

Use your free will.

Your mission in your life is your responsibility!

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
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June 10th, 2010 at 8:09 am