Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

My mother has Alzheimer’s disease, as did/does most of her 13 siblings.

Over the years I’ve watched Mom “leave” me. (If you’ve ever had that experience in your own family, well, you know how tough that is.)

At night I’ve laid in bed thinking about Mom—Confused, sometimes in pain (she recently had hip replacement surgery because she fell and broke a bone), closed off from life, unable to freely get around or do much of anything…so dependent on others.

I wish she knew how much I actually think about her and love her!

When I watch the video that’s on my website and see her, I’m amazed at how the years have changed her.

I see now that she’s almost gone. Of all the family members, I was one of two members that she used to recognize by name for the longest time. Now I’m not sure she really remembers who I am—she seems to only know that I’m someone nice to her.

Before she “left” I told her all the time that I loved her and that she was special to me. And I thanked her for all the things she did for me and all the fun activities we shared over the years.

I know she doesn’t remember any of that now.

I have to sometimes wonder what is going to happen to me…will I one day become a shell as she is? What about my older siblings? (I already see the traces of Alzheimer’s disease in some older cousins!) And I wonder about friends who have the disease in their families. So many people are, and will be, touched by this disease. That’s why my husband (Wayne Kelly) and I picked the Alzheimer’s Society as the charity of choice for a project we recently released. We want to give a million dollars to that charity this year.

If you are interested in learning more about our project and how you can help us reach our million-dollar goal, (Or maybe you just want to meet my family) go to: 52 Motivational Interviews.

Mom…thanks for the beautiful smiles this weekend and the way your eyes lit up at times. I love you.

And a heartfelt thanks to everyone who assists in her care…you are angels on earth! May you find strength for the challenges!

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now

TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

January 29th, 2008 at 8:58 am
One Response to ““Losing” a Loved One to Alzheimer’s Disease”
  1. 1
    Adam Says:

    Hello, Melanie:

    I’m very sorry to hear about your mother’s condition. I think it’s wonderful, however, that you did tell her how much she means to you when she was still “with” you. Although your mom may not remember it now, I think letting our loved ones know how we feel about them is one of the most important things in life, something too many of us neglect to do.

    Best wishes to her and I wish you great success with the charity.

    Take Care,