Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

As I mentioned in a previous Blog post, not so long ago I inherited some things from my parents. And tucked away in what was obviously a special box my mother kept, I found several poems in my now deceased sister’s, Cindy James, handwriting.

Here is another of that discovered poetry:

You made us smile every day then suddenly the endless tears for so long.
But we have so many happy memories that now we can smile again.
~By Cindy James

I thought about Cindy’s poetry as I trekked in nature this morning…and I ruminated about the fact it was exactly twenty years ago when she disappeared.

Twenty years…it hardly seems possible that it’s been that long already!

And when I returned home I did some gardening (an activity Cindy adored) and realized I wanted to play with the last poem I found in her handwriting.

So here is ‘our’ creation:

It can’t possibly be twenty years
When you were last so near.
I still feel your soft, warm hands
And hear your kind, gentle voice.
Your smile will be forever etched in my memory.
I will always treasure your time spent with me.
In my heart is the place where you will always be.
~By Cindy James and Melanie Hack

(Hugs and kisses, Cindy! …I miss you!)

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My friend
Read an excerpt now
TV Shows and Clips about the Death of Cindy James

May 25th, 2009 at 9:48 am